Sunday, April 8, 2012

Don't Tell Me How the Game is Played (BEDA #5)

I don’t want to words. 
Which is probably a good thing because I have to wake up at 4:30 a.m. to catch my flight home to St. Louis for the weekend. That’s going to be a fun flight. 
Today I walked into the homeless facility/job training/drug rehabilitation community where I intern at, and I rang the bell so that my supervisor would let me in and some other lady came to greet me and she asked if I was there seeking emergency services. 
I have officially let myself go, guys. I look like I am a homeless, jobless, adolescent with addiction problems. Erryday. 
Yesterday in class one girl I don’t like got into a screaming match with another girl I don’t like, so I looked at my friend Lilly who promptly responded with an absolute dead pan:
“Imma smack a bitch, I just don’t know which one.”
It’s my new life motto. 
Tonight, we had elections for Communications, Politics, and Law Association. In order to get elected I gave my speech, my opponent gave her speech and then we both left the room while the entire organization made pro and con lists about us. 
I’m trying to imagine what mine consisted of. 
-She can recite the first chapter of Philosopher’s Stone
-She can juggle for 7 rotations without dropping anything
-She once did an entire reenactment of Sunday in the Park with George by herself
-She always keeps plastic water bottles with the intention of reusing, and then loses them
-She does not even have the instrumental skill to play adequate air guitar
-She doesn’t understand where L.L. Bean Boots fall under “seasonally appropriate footwear”
If I had to assess myself, I think that’s what it would look like.
Hours worked: 4
Live performances seen: 0
Quote of the day: “I am afraid of getting older … I am afraid of getting married. Spare me from cooking three meals a day—spare me from the relentless cage of routine and rote. I want to be free…. I want, I want to think, to be omniscient…. I think I would like to call myself ‘The girl who wanted to be God.’” -Sylvia Plath

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