Sunday, April 8, 2012

Bless the Telephone (BEDA #6)

I am currently in a town called Cape Girardeau, Missouri. Outside of my window is a Shoe Carnival, a Dress Barn, a Walmart, a Shell station, and a movie theatre. 
We’re not in Massachusetts, anymore. 
I am in Cape Girardeau for my grandfather’s funeral and everyone has the most intense southern accents. My mother and I had to go to the Walmart here, at 10:30 p.m. to buy my sister a dress to wear to the funeral because we left hers at my house. You meet some real characters in Walmart after 7 p.m. 
One guy kept talking about how that chick from the Hunger Games had no business “killin’ animals, cause real men don’t cover niggers in flowers.” I was terribly offended. 
My day started with a flight into Missouri at 7 a.m. quickly followed by a trip to the Apple Store.
Long story short: My hard drive failed and I lost all of the information on it and I can’t fix it and no one loves me and I’m going to die alone. Also, the guy who helped me, named Brian, sounded exactly like my friend Dave (as in thewalruswas).
After the Apple Store I went to the hospital where my brother was having a surgery because he got his face knocked off by a kid playing baseball.
That might be a slight exaggeration. Basically a kid smashed his face while playing baseball and broke his nose and septum. The nose was bleeding so profusely that they stuck cocaine inside of it, because apparently that stops bleeding? 
The doctor told him he shouldn’t really be doing sports or anything for 4-6 weeks. My mother looked at the doctor and said that the best she could guarantee was 1-2 weeks because he had a really big tournament coming up.
Ladies and gentleman I give you: My family. 
Hours worked: 4
Live performances seen: 0
Quote of the day: “God, I dreamed there was an angel who could hear me through the wall, as I cried out like in Latin, ‘this is so not life at all!’” -Spring Awakening 
Special thanks goes to Bryarly Bishop for putting up with my whiny as fuck phone call for the last 2 hours.

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